Sponsor Bubbles

Bubbles is chaos incarnate. He always finds a way to have a good time. He is by far the most inquisitive and silly bird we have ever met. Bubbles favorite things are to land on people’s head, play his xylophone at 1am, and chaotically laugh while laying under a puppy pad. 

Many take life tips from Bubbles. Such advice is to flirt at yourself in a mirror or to wing slap the food bag to try to get an extra bit of seed.  With this great knowledge in mind, please be aware that there is so much to learn from Bubbles.  Consider sponsoring him if you love to live life by your own rules.

Will you support Bubble’s care by being his sponsor?

Sponsor Bubbles

When you sponsor a pigeon, you are supporting their long term care through monthly giving. This covers the cost of their food, housing, and bedding  as well as the average cost of vet bills . Becoming a sponsor to a pigeon means that our sanctuary has the security in mind that we can cover the current expenses of our residents.  it also aids in our decision making for if we can take in a new intake by having financial security for our existing residents.  

The first month you sponsor a pigeon and receive through email:

* A certificate of sponsorship
* An adorable photo of your feathered friend

Through mail (for donors covering a week or month of care):

*A cute card with your sponsored pigeon on it

For All Sponsorship Levels:

Quarterly you will receive updates on your friend (March, June, September, and December). Please note that you will only receive these updates if you are currently sponsoring the pigeon. 

When you sponsor the pigeon, please write a note to us in the additional info section that includes the name of the person you are gifting the sponsorship program to, their address, and any note you want to provide to them.

Please Note:

* Your donation may be distributed to help multiple animals at the sanctuary.
* Animals may be sponsored by more than 1 person.
* This donation does not give you any rights to the animal being sponsored or enable you to make decisions about their care. Sponsoring is not adopting the animal.
* All parts of the sponsorship programs may take up to a week to receive

* We use a newsletter software for updates. Please check your spam if you do not receive an email from us by the end of the quarter while sponsoring an animal. This also signs you up for our normal newsletter. 

*If you cancel within a week of sponsoring, your donation counts as a normal donation as this is a recurring donation program. 

*You must be an active sponsor to receive update emails on a quarterly basis (March, June, September, and December). Generally, emails go out on the last day of the month.